miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

Brazilian Architect


Today I came to bring you a little bit of Brazilian architecture, today is the architect Oscar Niemeyer!

Nascido em 1907, no Rio de Janeiro - Brasil. Casou-se em com Anita Baldo.  No ano de 1934 formou-se em engenheiro arquiteto, logo apos começa como estagiário no escritório de Lucio Costa. Onde trabalha do Ministério da Saúde e da Educação sendo este um marco da arquitetura moderna brasileira .Em 1940 conhece Juscelino Kubitschek que lhe da o seu primeiro grande projeto, o Complexo da Pampulha, em Belo Horizonte, Brasil.In this project the architect Expressed his enchantment by the curves

"It is not the right angle que attracts me. Nor the straight line, harsh, inflexible, created by man. What attracts me is the free and sensuous curve. The curve I find in the mountains of my country, in the sinuous course of . its rivers, in the waves of the sea, the clouds of heaven, in the body of the woman favorite Curves is made all the universe -. Curved universe of Einstein "

For him "life is a breath" mild and transient. But a whiff lived with full integrity.The important thing is not architecture "often repeated, the important thing is life"

DIgital Tools Activity


Today brought to you the activity developed in the discipline of digital tools. The work was the result of lessons on the AutoCad program, where we had to choose a house to redraw in AutoCAD. The result you can check below:

Plant Covered House Three Courtyard

Floor Plan House Three Courtyard with cutting 
indication and furniture.

Cut and Facade House Three Courtyard

Floor Plan with Dimensions

The work was of great importance to learn to handle the program correctly. Was used basic and more complex methods. The result was excellent because we will use the program for further disciplines.I hope you enjoyed!