jueves, 15 de enero de 2015



I would like to share with you what has been taught in the last class of digital tools. We learn to use SketchUp program, we used this to model in 3d. This program and very important for students of architecture and architects.The following steps show how it was done the electronic model of the house of Mies Van der Rohe:

The first step performed, was importing the AutoCAD file (dwg) for sketchup, remembering that we have put the scale file

In this closed all edges to create faces and immediately after calves blocks that would facilitate the creation of the model. We used the pencil building  and block command.

Using the push / pull control climbed the walls of the blocks, thus shaping the house.

After the model is basically ready, we applied the textures and materials to look as real as possible.

To end was placed components such as chairs, sofa, trees! after all we concluded it was time to export the images to jpg, thus completing the work.



This block was of great importance for the understanding of basic and advanced SketchUp tools: use building commands, editing, camera, and other layers. I hope you liked the tips and result!

miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

Brazilian Architect


Today I came to bring you a little bit of Brazilian architecture, today is the architect Oscar Niemeyer!

Nascido em 1907, no Rio de Janeiro - Brasil. Casou-se em com Anita Baldo.  No ano de 1934 formou-se em engenheiro arquiteto, logo apos começa como estagiário no escritório de Lucio Costa. Onde trabalha do Ministério da Saúde e da Educação sendo este um marco da arquitetura moderna brasileira .Em 1940 conhece Juscelino Kubitschek que lhe da o seu primeiro grande projeto, o Complexo da Pampulha, em Belo Horizonte, Brasil.In this project the architect Expressed his enchantment by the curves

"It is not the right angle que attracts me. Nor the straight line, harsh, inflexible, created by man. What attracts me is the free and sensuous curve. The curve I find in the mountains of my country, in the sinuous course of . its rivers, in the waves of the sea, the clouds of heaven, in the body of the woman favorite Curves is made all the universe -. Curved universe of Einstein "

For him "life is a breath" mild and transient. But a whiff lived with full integrity.The important thing is not architecture "often repeated, the important thing is life"

DIgital Tools Activity


Today brought to you the activity developed in the discipline of digital tools. The work was the result of lessons on the AutoCad program, where we had to choose a house to redraw in AutoCAD. The result you can check below:

Plant Covered House Three Courtyard

Floor Plan House Three Courtyard with cutting 
indication and furniture.

Cut and Facade House Three Courtyard

Floor Plan with Dimensions

The work was of great importance to learn to handle the program correctly. Was used basic and more complex methods. The result was excellent because we will use the program for further disciplines.I hope you enjoyed!

viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

Campanas's Brothers Company

The Campanas's brothers company is located in São Paulo, Brasil, and it's a company that creates forniture and other products by using different materials than the common wants, like: ropes, EVA, PVC pipe, plastic bottles and plushies. The Idea is the transformation and renovation.
The brothers give a new value for those common objects. Each piece becames art itself and it even represents brazilian identity contemporanean design.
They are an innovator profile when mixing together the art and commerce.
See some of there work:

The courtyard Houses by Mies Van der Rohe

Hi guys, today I'll show you project in which I am working ( analyzing and modeling) on two subjects ( Architectonic Expression and Digital Tools) at my university: the house of the three courts of Mies Van der Rohe.

This house and the whole series of courtyard homes developed by Mies Van der Rohe were made as a form of abstraction exercise, where the architect sought to understand the essence of the buildings. These houses were designed without the family picture where there was not a conventional program or representative elements. All these exercises led Mies to arrive in the dematerialization of its architecture and to adopt its famous motto "Less is more".

This house, like the others in the series, has only one bedroom. Your space is organized continuously and is divided by furniture and objects, following the proportions and the orthogonality defined by  the floor.

The great highlight in the brazilian modernism architecture

 Hello everybody, this post is dedicated to a building that i fancy a lot in my country and its represents a lot of brazilian architecture, check it it out:

 The Ministry of Education and Health (Ministério da Educação e Saúde – MES) now named Palacio Gustavo Campanema, is one of the icons of modernism in Brazil. It was Built in 1943  and is located in the center of the Rio de Janeiro, capital of Brazil at the time.
 The project was designed by a team composed for Lucio Costa, Carlos Leão, Oscar Niemeyer, Affonso Eduardo Reidy, Ernani Vasconcelos  and Jorge Machado Moreira, with the consulting of Le Corbusier.
 The following reasons justify why this building has became a symbol of the  brazilian modern architecture:

     The building has 16 stories above the ground (on pilotis), which has a monumental ceiling height of over nine feet tall. The permeability created by the pilotis and the central (not aligned to the lot) implantation of the building resulted in a public square, providing a harmonious relationship between public and private space.

2)  It has the first curtain-wall in Latin America:
 The north facade of the building is composed of horizontal windows as one of the five principles of modernism of Le Corbusier.

3) The use of brise-soleil:
     Was one of the first buildings in the world, to make use of the feature brise-soleil (sun visor) to avoid direct incidence of solar radiation on its north facade, providing thermal comfort inside the building.

 4) The roof garden and the avant-garde art:
     The presence of a roof garden and outdoor areas designed by the landscape architect Burle Marx, as well as the presence of sculptures, paintings and murals by Brazilian artists of the avant-garde (as Portinari) make the building an icon.

5) The Geometry:

     The project has an independent structure composed by a main vertical block and two other  horizontal blocks located on the same axis, which "cut” the vertical building, suggesting a visual continuity.

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

About Me and this blog

Hi! My name is Clarissa, I am from Brazil and I study architecture at the University of Paraíba. I am starting this blog with the intention to speak a little 
bit about my experiences in the exchange that i'm doing at the San Jorge University ( in Zaragoza - Spain) and the architecture in its totality.
Nevertheless, this will be my portfolio and one of the activities that I am working in the subject digital tools.