viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

The great highlight in the brazilian modernism architecture

 Hello everybody, this post is dedicated to a building that i fancy a lot in my country and its represents a lot of brazilian architecture, check it it out:

 The Ministry of Education and Health (Ministério da Educação e Saúde – MES) now named Palacio Gustavo Campanema, is one of the icons of modernism in Brazil. It was Built in 1943  and is located in the center of the Rio de Janeiro, capital of Brazil at the time.
 The project was designed by a team composed for Lucio Costa, Carlos Leão, Oscar Niemeyer, Affonso Eduardo Reidy, Ernani Vasconcelos  and Jorge Machado Moreira, with the consulting of Le Corbusier.
 The following reasons justify why this building has became a symbol of the  brazilian modern architecture:

     The building has 16 stories above the ground (on pilotis), which has a monumental ceiling height of over nine feet tall. The permeability created by the pilotis and the central (not aligned to the lot) implantation of the building resulted in a public square, providing a harmonious relationship between public and private space.

2)  It has the first curtain-wall in Latin America:
 The north facade of the building is composed of horizontal windows as one of the five principles of modernism of Le Corbusier.

3) The use of brise-soleil:
     Was one of the first buildings in the world, to make use of the feature brise-soleil (sun visor) to avoid direct incidence of solar radiation on its north facade, providing thermal comfort inside the building.

 4) The roof garden and the avant-garde art:
     The presence of a roof garden and outdoor areas designed by the landscape architect Burle Marx, as well as the presence of sculptures, paintings and murals by Brazilian artists of the avant-garde (as Portinari) make the building an icon.

5) The Geometry:

     The project has an independent structure composed by a main vertical block and two other  horizontal blocks located on the same axis, which "cut” the vertical building, suggesting a visual continuity.

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